Parker Sea Recovery
Parker Sea Recovery is a brand synonymous with excellent quality and also integral within the Parker Racor Water Purification Division. These Commercial Desalination Systems range in of sizes and with outputs ranging from as little as 3,500 litres per day to in excess of 1,000 m3 per day. Produced water quality is dependent on a Client's specification which usually ranges from Potable or Drinking Water to very high purity water commonly referred to as Technical or Boiler Feed Water.
For Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms, FPSOs, Drill Ships and Barges plus Cruise Ships and coastal applications the Sea Recovery Tasman Sea , North Sea and Atlantic Sea series are perfect; the small footprint Sea Recovery Java Sea and Coral Sea units are typically utilised on Fishing boats, Offshore Supply and Support vessels, Wind Farm Support Vessels and small Converter Platforms.
Hover over the below images and click on the one that suits your required daily output.
Parker Sea Recovery has been approved by commercial and industrial independent product safety standards including UL, IEC and CE whilst products and processes adhere to global standards and requirements such as NORSOK, ATEX, IEEE and NEC. This ensures suitability for both Renewable Energy and Oil and Gas installations in the harsh environment of the North Sea.