Bass adds Innovative range of Spiral Water Filters plus Parker's range of Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (RO) packages to it's product line.
Spiral Water Filters with automatic self cleaning operation were designed to compliment existing Sea Water pre-treatment methods such as Multi Media and Cartridge Filtration, however they can be used for numerous water applications. Spiral Water Filters are installed in the Sea Water feed line and can be retro fitted to any RO installation. Not only will a Spiral Water Filter reduce down time but will, as a stand alone unit, effectively and efficiently reduce bio-fouling on membrane surfaces.
Does the Algal Bloom in the North Sea affect your company?
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Parker Brackish Water RO (BWRO) Desalination Systems
Parker Brackish RO Desalination System outputs range from a few litres per hour to large capacity containerised packages for remote areas; with only River Water, Surface Water or a Bore Hole as a water source.
Please select and download a brochure from the below list:
ZK Series - Output ranging from 1.5 m3/day to 5.75 m3/day
ZC Series - Output ranging from 7.9 m3/day to 41 m3/day
ZS Series - Output ranging from 16.3 m3/day to 96 m3/day
BW Series - Output ranging from 96 m3/day to 1,400 m3/day
In addition to the single pass BWRO systems above there are a number of Two Pass RO units capable of producing high quality water e.g. for Bottled Water, Drinking Water, Commercial and Light Industrial applications.
ZKT Series - Output ranging from 2 m3/day to 2.5 m3/day
BWT Series - Output ranging from 72 m3/day to 960 m3/day
A brochure is available here for Ultrafiltration. Parker UHF series provide filtration to 0.2 microns for reduction of turbidity, suspended solids, bacteria and viruses. UHF systems are used for RO pre-treatment, fresh water filtration, power generation and various industrial facilities.
Parker RO/RO/EDI Containerised Water Series - Two Pass RO and EDI (Electrodeionisation)
Ultra-Pure Water Injection for NOx Emissions.